Every week we get together with the members of Migrai-Neverland for a group coaching session, the “Clinic Chat.”
Members submit questions in advance inside of our private Facebook group, which forms the topic of our conversation that week. While the primary focus is on migraine, we end up touching on all aspects of health and wellness.
Because of the size of our Migraine Miracle community, Dr. T is unfortunately no longer able to answer individual questions via email or within our free Facebook group .
But the Clinic Chat is a way of providing an opportunity for those who want to have their questions answered.
As you may know, each week we also release The Chatter, a complete transcript of those group coaching sessions.
In addition to being able to submit questions and participate in the live discussion, Migrai-Neverland members also receive The Chatter every week, and have access to our entire archive of past issues.
And we now have over 130 issues of The Chatter in our archive. 130 issues of information highly targeted to the beast slaying migraineur (see below for a list of all the prior topics covered).
Some back issues can also be purchased individually for $6, which means that the value of the entire archive is now over $780.
(RELATED: Click here to view the archive of back issues.)
So if you’d like to be able to submit your questions, participate in our group coaching sessions each week, and have access to that entire archive of past issues, then come join us inside of Migrai-Neverland.
As a preview of what happens and the kind of information you’ll receive in our Clinic Chats, we have a free back issue of The Chatter to share with you. It’s only available this weekend, so download it now before the link expires. Click here to download: “8 Ways to Boost the Migraine Miracle Plan. Lessons from Migrai-Neverland.”
[Click here to learn more about Migrai-Neverland and to get started.]
And here’s a glimpse of the topics we’ve covered in Clinic Chat and what Migrai-Neverland members have access to in the archives:
- Strategies for mitigating a BLOOD SUGAR SPIKE from a HIGHER CARB MEAL
- How do I know if I will respond well to going KETO?
- What do I do about SLEEP TROUBLE while KETO?
- What does Dr. T think about PREDNISONE for REBOUND?
- Should I go KETO while trying to break REBOUND?
- Considerations and TIPS for reducing MORNING HEADACHES
- What to do if you get HUNGRY while INTERMITTENT FASTING
- Should CHICKPEAS be avoided?
- Should we be concerned about getting the FLU VACCINE as a migraineur?
- Are there links between migraines and BLOOD PRESSURE MEDICATIONS?
- What are Dr. T’s thoughts on KRATOM?
- Should migraineurs SLEEP with their heads ELEVATED?
- Is there an ideal breakdown for MACROS?
- Is there a connection between EMF exposure and migraines?
- What are some LOW CARB options for PRE/PROBIOTICS?
- What is a LEAN MASS HYPER-RESPONDER and what do I need to know about it when getting my CHOLESTEROL tested?
- What to do for STOMACH FLU
- What CHEESES are the SAFEST to consume?
- Should I worry about HISTAMINE, NITRATES, or TYRAMINE in foods?
- What would be some REASONS to take CBD OIL?
- Would treating DEPRESSION with medication hinder the migraine healing process?
- Is there a time when EATING would HELP a migraine?
- Book Club Discussion of “Chop Wood, Carry Water” by Joshua Medcalf
- What is the difference in an ANCESTRAL DIET and a PALEO diet?
- What place do ACUPUNCTURE, MASSAGE, and CHIROPRACTIC care have in migraine treatment?
- How does CBD OIL fit into an ANCESTRAL framework?
- Are there any ADVERSE EFFECTS from CBD OIL?
- Strategies for dealing with decreased SUNLIGHT exposure in the WINTER
- What VINEGARS are safest to consume?
- How long does it take to HEAL LEAKY GUT?
- Should HAIR LOSS be expected when transitioning to a lower carb diet?
- Is there a need to SUPPLEMENT PRE/PROBIOTICS if you have a healthy diet?
- Advice for the TIMING of the STARVE & SINK
- Are alternative GLUTEN FREE FLOURS okay?
- Are CHIROPRACTORS effective for migraine treatment?
- Why do migraines disappear on VACATION?
- What does Dr. T think of HOMEOPATHIC remedies?
- What if I have trouble implementing the STARVE & SINK?
- Is the recommendation to eat more VEGETABLES OUTDATED?
- How much will it set me back to CHEAT?
- Will BENADRYL cause migraine vulnerability?
- What are some reasons and strategies for ELIMINATING PREVENTATIVES?
- How much should I listen to Fitness App nutrition advice?
- What should you put in COFFEE so that it doesn’t break a FAST?
- Should I be concerned about INSULIN RESISTANCE and KETO?
- How can I extend the length of time I can FAST?
- Do I need CARBS before I EXERCISE?
- Book Club Discussion of “Why We Sleep” by Matthew Walker
- Is there a link between PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and migraine?
- Will going KETO help me get out of REBOUND?
- For MENSTRUAL MIGRAINES should I employ an extended STARVE & SINK?
- Can COLLAGEN cause migraines in some people?
- Do BAROMETRIC PRESSURE changes really cause migraines?
- *What is the connection between weather and migraines?
- *What is the best strategy for dealing with suspected weather-related migraines?
- *How do you use the STARVE & SINK strategy with Chronic Daily Migraines?
- *When do you choose Intermittent Fasting over the Starve & Sink strategy?
- Can GABAPENTIN cause REBOUND headaches?
- The best approach to BALANCING HORMONES
- Tips and Tricks for TRAVELING on the Migraine Miracle Plan
- Our favorite TRAVEL SNACKS
- Is it better to have one meal or multiple during an EATING WINDOW?
- How to get MOVING when you don’t feel like it
- Do you get more sensitive to GLUTEN after avoiding it?
- Can people on the Migraine Miracle plan experience a HEALING CRISIS?
- The most important habit of successful BEAST SLAYERS
- Does it matter when you start the STARVE & SINK?
- Does a KETOSIS help with athletic performance?
- Can migraines cause CHILLS?
- How to prevent EXERCISE INDUCED migraines
- Do you need to take MAGNESIUM & VITAMIN B2 together?
- How to use a LIGHT BOX for circadian alignment in the winter
- How the experience of migraines change over time
- Can BETA BLOCKERS cause rebound?
- How to EAT MORE FOOD without provoking the beast
- Is EDAMAME ok on the Migraine Miracle Plan?
- Does sensitivity to CHEMICAL ODORS improve on the plan?
- Does a low carb diet affect HORMONES?
- Why does MIGRAINE SEVERITY vary so much?
- The dangers of getting health information on the INTERNET
- Does taking a SUPPLEMENT break a fast?
- Do ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES have a role in the Migraine Miracle plan?
- Is ONE MEAL A DAY an effective strategy?
- Is FASTING harder on women?
- Does TMJ SYNDROME cause migraines?
- Why do migraines so often CLUSTER together?
- How migraines are like a CATCHY SONG
- Should you ELIMINATE DAIRY in Phase 1?
- How CHOLESTEROL levels change on the Migraine Miracle Plan
- How The Beast HIJACKS the brain
- How other MEDICAL CONDITIONS impact migraine
- Is too much BACON possible?
- The relationship between INFLAMMATION and REBOUND HEADACHES
- What medications can cause REBOUND headaches BESIDES TRIPTANS?
- How Dr. T ensures he’s never again visited by the REBOUND HEADACHE OF DEATH!
- How do I know when I’m OUT OF REBOUND?
- How much medication does it take to cause REBOUND HEADACHES?
- How do you tell the difference between a REBOUND headache or a new migraine?
- A MISLEADING MYTH about REBOUND headaches.
- How long does it take to fully recover from REBOUND?
- Can NASAL STEROIDS for allergies affect REBOUND HEADACHES?
- Why do REBOUND HEADACHES cause pain when bending over?
- What MENINGITIS and REBOUND HEADACHES may have in common
- Do PREVENTIVE medications cause REBOUND?
- Can NAUSEA medications cause rebound?
- Can you use ABORTIVE MEDICATIONS to help you out of REBOUND?
- Can FLONASE and other ALLERGY MEDS lead to rebound?
- How long to get out of REBOUND when going cold turkey?
- The keys to getting out of REBOUND
- What are the worst DRUGS for causing REBOUND?
- Can medications that cause REBOUND be taken for non-migraine conditions?
- Are “WHITE SPOTS” on a BRAIN MRI associated with risk for stroke and dementia?
- How to potentially PREVENT WHITE SPOTS for migraineurs
- Connections between RESTLESS LEGS SYNDROME and migraine
- Does eliminating WHOLE GRAINS lead to a deficiency of dietary FIBER?
- The best dietary sources of FIBER
- Can using a book light to read in bed disrupt CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS?
- Is there any connection between migraines and SHINGLES?
- Does being a migraine sufferer increase risk of STROKE or DEMENTIA?
- Can medications that cause REBOUND be taken for non-migraine conditions?
- Which migraineurs should NOT take ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES?
- The best kinds of VINEGAR
- What kind of TEA is ok during the STARVE & SINK?
- Is a little bit of GLUTEN or SEED OILS safe?
- The most common reason for ACNE
- Strategies of minimizing the chances of STRESS RELATED MIGRAINES
- Which migraine prevention SUPPLEMENT should I take?
- What’s the lowdown on PALM OIL?
- Do SLEEPING PILLS cause migraines?
- Hidden dangers of ANTI-NAUSEA DRUGS
- Can the Migraine Miracle plan help with NEURALGIA?
- The link between METABOLISM and CHRONIC PAIN
- Is 5HTP a helpful SUPPLEMENT?
- The connection between diet and BRAIN DEVELOPMENT in children
- Is there a place for MONKFRUIT in the MM plan?
- Navigating Social Challenges
- How can you GAIN WEIGHT on the Migraine Miracle plan?
- Should we eat less PROTEIN as we age?
- When to use the GROUNDHOG DAY strategy
- Are NIGHTSHADES inflammatory?
- What are the worst DRUGS for causing REBOUND?
- Do BROW LIFTS help migraines?
- Is there a place for BOTOX in the Migraine Miracle Plan?
- The PLACEBO effect and MIGRAINE treatments
- Should you try the CEPHALY device?
- Dr. T’s Drug Free Strategies including the STARVE & SINK
- How nutritional KETOSIS can impact MENSTRUATION
- How long to get out of REBOUND when going cold turkey?
- The keys to getting out of REBOUND
- Strategies for migraines brought by the change of SEASONS
- How to determine if you’re DAIRY SENSITIVE/ALLERGIC
- Dealing with DAIRY sensitivities
- How to minimize the impact of DAIRY as a trigger
- Should you worry about the TRANS FAT in DAIRY?
- Does DAIRY increase the risk for BREAST CANCER?
- Is it ok to take a TRIPTAN every so often?
- Does a low carb and keto diet impact THYROID HORMONE?
- What to do for LOW THYROID HORMONE levels?
- Can FLONASE and other ALLERGY MEDS lead to rebound?
- Deciding WHEN TO EAT after a fast using the “starve and sink” approach to migraine relief
- Deciding WHAT TO EAT after a fast using the “starve and sink” approach to migraine relief
- Can you use Starve & Sink with EXERCISE INDUCED MIGRAINES?
- The surprising impact of FASTING on migraines
- What about drinking BULLETPROOF COFFEE during a fast?
- Should you not go keto if you’re APOE4 positive?
- The best ways to reduce your risk of ALZHEIMER’S
- Can you use Starve & Sink with EXERCISE INDUCED MIGRAINES?
- Is BUCKWHEAT FLOUR ok to eat?
- How migraines vary in MEN and WOMEN
- What to do about FAMILY not on the Migraine Miracle Plan
- The advantages of doing a Migraine Miracle version of the ketogenic diet
- Do we need to adapt the plan for KIDS?
- Strategies for preventing EXERCISE-INDUCED MIGRAINES
- 4 Ways to maximize the benefits and minimize the RISKS of exercise
- How to maximize the athletic/exercise benefits of an ancestral diet
- How to maximize the effectiveness of EXERCISE as a migraine relief strategy
- What are the best sources of CARBS?
- When is the right and wrong time to use a PRESCRIPTION DRUG?
- Can PREVENTATIVE medications be an obstacle to success with the MM plan?
- Can PREVENTATIVE medications be an aid to success with the MM plan?
- The best time to eat a GREEN SMOOTHIE
- Does the CARNIVORE DIET (meat-only) have a place in the Beast-Slaying Arsenal?
- The research studies on MEAT ONLY diets
- Dr T’s PLAN to rid the world of migraines in one year
- Supplements for those who don’t eat ORGAN MEAT
- Does DAIRY increase the risk for BREAST CANCER?
- How to prevent migraines DURING SLEEP?
- How to choose the best FASTING WINDOW?
- 4 ways to reduce the GLYCEMIC RESPONSE to meals
- Should we be concerned with ACIDITY of our urine?
- How to implement the Migraine Miracle plan on a BUDGET
- Can the brain recover from years of taking NORTRIPTYLINE?
- What MEDICATIONS can contribute to REBOUND besides TRIPTANS?
- Potential Long Term Side Effects of AMITRIPTYLINE
- How to deal with MUSCLE PAIN AND TENSION in the neck and shoulders
- Is BALSAMIC VINEGAR ok on the Migraine Miracle plan?
- Tips for buying GROUND BEEF
- Are LIQUID AMINOS an ok alternative for soy sauce?
- Can TEMPEH and TOFU work with a Keto diet?
- Does LOW BLOOD SUGAR really trigger migraines?
- The surprising impact of FASTING on migraines
- The relationship between fasting and KETOSIS
- Validity of FOOD ALLERGY testing
- Dealing with DAIRY sensitivities
- Does DECAF COFFEE work to ward off an approaching migraine?
- Is COFFEE healthful or harmful?
- Should migraineurs drink FRESHLY BREWED COFFEE?
- Should migraineurs drink CAFFEINE at all ?
- Is it ok to drink BULLETPROOF COFFEE while FASTING?
- Does COFFEE (including “Bulletproof” coffee) in the morning break a fast?
- Migrai-Neverland Book Club Discussion on the Book
“Play: How it Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul” by Stuart Brown and Christopher Vaughn
- Is there a role for POTASSIUM supplements for migraine?
- Is CALCIUM supplementation necessary?
- What NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS should you consider taking?
- Vitamin B2 and Magnesium for migraine prevention
- Should we supplement with ZINC?
- Do we need more SLEEP in the winter?
- Lessons from the SLEEP habits of hunter gatherers
- How to keep CIRCADIAN rhythms in ALIGNMENT
- How to minimize the impact of SCREENS on SLEEP
- Does Dr. T ever eat GLUTEN?!
- Optimizing the STARVE & SINK approach.
- How much SALT is too much?
- How to hydrate to avoid MUSCLE CRAMPS.
- What to do if you’re a CHOLESTEROL HYPER-RESPONDER?
- Ways to Maximize the Migraine Miracle Plan for WEIGHT LOSS
- Hidden Reasons why WEIGHT LOSS CAN STALL and How to Fix Them
A Step-by-Step Strategy for Weight Loss on the MM Plan - The Facts about GAINING WEIGHT on the MM Plan
How to Determine if You Really Need to GAIN WEIGHT - Do we need more salt on a low carb diet?
- Facts and Fictions about SALT
- How much salt should you have each day?
- Should a migraine from SLEEP DEPRIVATION be treated differently?
- Is there a connection between GUT DYSBIOSIS and migraine?
- The connection between GI DISORDERS and MIGRAINE.
- Can OLIVE OIL be a trigger?
- Where does QUINOA fit into the Migraine Miracle plan?
- The surprising health benefits of CHOCOLATE.
- What kinds of CHOCOLATE are ok?
- The health benefits of FERMENTED FOODS.
- Is KOMBUCHA or other FERMENTED FOODS a trigger?
- How does the Migraine Miracle impact GERD?
- What actually causes REFLUX and INDIGESTION?
- When is STRESS actually helpful?
- What are ADAPTOGENS, and are they ok for migraineurs?
- Is HAM ok to eat?
- Mindset and the MIGRAINE SUPERFOODS list
- How to minimize fatigue during the transition into KETOSIS
- Is it okay to cycle in and out of KETOSIS
- Should you stay on a KETOGENIC DIET long term
- I’ve been told that KETOSIS is the equivalent of STARVATION mode?
- What your doctor doesn’t understand about the KETOGENIC DIET
- How to quickly adapt to a new TIME ZONE.
- What kind of WATER should we drink when traveling?
- Should we still even care about CHOLESTEROL TESTING?
- Does the Migraine Miracle plan reduce your ALCOHOL TOLERANCE?
- 7 strategies for reducing the chances of a migraine from drinking ALCOHOL.
- How to minimize GI upset FASTING
- Is bone broth and coffee ok to consume while FASTING.
- Strategies for minimizing a migraine after FASTING.
- How often should we consume PREBIOTIC FIBER (and what is it!)?
- How do you know when it’s safe to eat again when using the “STARVE & SINK” approach?
- How much day to day fluctuations in CARBOHYDRATES is ok?
- The difference between true and functional INSULIN RESISTANCE
- HIDDEN BARRIERS to migraine freedom
- CUSTOMIZING the Migraine Miracle Plan
- Essentials of maintaining a HEALTHY GUT
- What to do before you take a PROBIOTIC
- How to test for MICROBIAL OVERGROWTH in the gut
- The link between TYRAMINE and migraine
- Ways to maximize the Migraine Miracle Plan for WEIGHT LOSS
- Hidden reasons why WEIGHT LOSS can stall, and how to fix them
- Is there a role for POTASSIUM supplements for migraine?
- Should I take supplements when INTERMITTENT FASTING?
- Does DECAF COFFEE work to ward off an approaching migraine?
- Should migraineurs only drink FRESHLY BREWED coffee?
- Are PUMPKIN and SUNFLOWER seeds ok?
- Do GLUCOSAMINE supplements provide the same benefits as collagen?
- The link between DIZZINESS and migraines
- Could impurities in DRINKING WATER contribute to migraines?
- What kind of WATER is best to drink?
- The most effective ways to avoid harmful ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICALS
- What are LETDOWN MIGRAINES, and how do you prevent them?
- The surprising impact of STRESS on migraines
- Do we need to adapt the plan for KIDS?
- Is STEVIA good to use?
- Are FAT BOMBS a risky snack?
- How can I know if NUTS are a trigger?
- How do I deal with SUGAR CRAVINGS?
- Should we supplement with ZINC?
- Is there a role for taking a SLEEP AID for a long lasting migraine?
- Can you be burning fat but not be in KETOSIS?
- How to supplement with SALT wisely
- Is there a role for the SPHENOPALATINE GANGLION BLOCK?
- What does it mean when a MIGRAINE SWITCHES SIDES?
- The root cause of HUNGER HEADACHES.
- How INTERMITTENT FASTING helps headaches.
- Is it ok to drink BULLETPROOF COFFEE while FASTING?
- Can you use ABORTIVE MEDICATIONS to help you out of REBOUND?
- The connection between OVEREATING and MIGRAINE
- How to identify HYPERPALATABLE foods
- A step by step strategy to maximize WEIGHT LOSS on the plan
- Is TURMERIC good to use as a natural headache remedy?
- What are the signs of CANDIDA (yeast) overgrowth?
- What’s the best way to test for CANDIDA in the GUT?
- Should you take a STATIN for high LDL CHOLESTEROL?
- In what situations are STATINS useful?
- Are there any kinds of VITAMINS migraineurs should AVOID?
- What exactly are GOOD FATS and BAD FATS?
- What’s the difference between MCT POWDER and MCT OIL?
- How much RED MEAT should I eat?
- Does RED MEAT raise the risk of HEART DISEASE?
- Finding your personal CARBOHYDRATE THRESHOLD for migraine prevention
- Strategies for eliminating MUSCLE CRAMPS
- Why MIGRAINES tend to occur during SLEEP
- Does the Migraine Miracle plan help with OCCIPITAL NEURALGIA?
- What to do about FAMILY not on the Migraine Miracle Plan
- Can NAUSEA medications cause rebound?
- Can NAUSEA by itself be due to a migraine?
- Can SSRIs cause migraines?
- Do PREVENTIVE medications cause REBOUND?
- Considerations for COMING OFF PREVENTIVE medications
- How do I know if I’m getting ENOUGH CALCIUM?
- The best ways to maintain STRONG BONES
- Should migraineurs consider a ZERO CARB diet?
- Does progesterone supplementation help MENSTRUAL MIGRAINES?
- What’s best to EAT AFTER RECOVERING from a migraine?
- Why are migraines more likely to start DURING SLEEP?
- Are changes in BAROMETRIC PRESSURE really a trigger?
- The essentials of GUT HEALTH for the migraineur
- 6 KEYS to a happy and HEALTHY GUT
- Are PROBIOTICS safe and effective?
- The best way to test for GUT DYSBIOSIS (and why you’d want to)
- What are EXOGENOUS KETONES, and what are they best used for?
- Do EXOGENOUS KETONES interfere with the body’s ketone production?
- How to LOSE WEIGHT without counting calories
- Is it possible to eat TOO MUCH FAT?
- Facts and fictions about SALT
- Is there a need for extra POTASSIUM during the transition to lower carb diets?
- What to do if you are having TROUBLE ACHIEVING KETOSIS
- A simple framework for understanding HEALTHY EATING
- How to identify SUPER SAFE FOODS
- How to identify foods that don’t lead to OVEREATING
- The 3 areas for CUSTOMIZING the Migraine Miracle plan to individual needs
- The best test for assessing GUT DYSBIOSIS (bacterial overgrowth)
- Is there a connection between the MTHFR mutation and MIGRAINES
- How to ensure proper METHYLATION
- Can KETOSIS cause an elevated CREATINE KINASE (CK)?
- The origins of MUSCLE SORENESS and FATIGUE
- Migraines masquerading as BACK PAIN?
- Potential long term side effects of AMITRIPTYLINE
- How pain medications cause CHRONIC PAIN
- How to use WHEY PROTEIN wisely
- The critical difference between KETOSIS and KETOACIDOSIS
- Strategies for minimizing the impact of a Migraine Miracle plan “CHEATS”
- Are CGRP-INHIBITORS a migraine prevention breakthrough?
- The critical difference between HOLISTIC and DRUG based treatments
- Avoiding TRIGGERS versus REPROGRAMMING your biology
- Getting over FAT-PHOBIA
- The impact of KETOGENIC DIETS on cholesterol, hormones, and body fat
- The impact of KETOGENIC DIETS on cancer and inflammation
- How to combat OSTEOPOROSIS
- BONE BUILDING vitamins and supplements
- Blood sugar response and migraines
- Measuring the GLYCEMIC RESPONSE of foods
- The physiology of migraine AURAs
- The link between BODY TEMPERATURE and migraines
- The link between RAYNAUD’S and migraines
- Do we get enough FIBER and VEGGIES on the MM plan?
- How to recover from CHEAT MEAL related SETBACKS
- How to enhance or reduced the effectiveness of a TRIPTAN
- Do BROW LIFTS help migraines?
- The PLACEBO effect and MIGRAINE treatments
- Under-recognized side effects of ANTI-HISTAMINES
- Is your risk of another attack higher or lower immediately after a migraine ends?
- How to deal with DRY EYES during the transition to KETOSIS
- Are BREATH KETONE analyzers good to use?
- How does HEMP compare to WHEY PROTEIN POWDER?
- Tips for CYCLING in and out of KETOSIS
- How much SALT and WATER should you consume when transitioning to KETO/LOW CARB
- Why do REBOUND HEADACHES cause pain when bending over?
- What MENINGITIS and REBOUND HEADACHES may have in common
- What is METABOLIC FLEXIBILITY, and why is it so important?
- The connection between METABOLIC FLEXIBILITY and KETOSIS.
- Can NASAL STEROIDS for allergies affect REBOUND HEADACHES?
- Potential impact of the Migraine Miracle plan on ALLERGIES.
- Does MCT/COCONUT OIL allow you to eat more carbs and stay in KETOSIS?
- How to ensure you’re getting the full set of NUTRIENTS on an ANCESTRAL diet.
- ESSENTIAL FOODS to make sure you’re including in your diet.
- When to consider taking SUPPLEMENTS.
- How to feed your GOOD GUT BUGS.
- The optimal amount of MAGNESIUM for the migraineur.
- Should you adjust your MAGNESIUM supplementation if drinking MINERAL WATER?
- How do you tell the difference between a REBOUND headache or a new migraine?
- A MISLEADING MYTH about REBOUND headaches.
- How long does it take to fully recover from REBOUND?
- Strategies for minimizing the impact of “CHEAT” MEALS.
- How to interpret results on KETOSTIX.
- How many CARBS per day should you stay under to remain in PHASE 4?
- Do you always need to stay LOW CARB on the MIGRAINE MIRACLE PLAN?
- How to find your personal CARB THRESHOLD.
- Do migraines enhance CREATIVITY?
- Why you can tolerate lower BLOOD SUGAR levels when you’re in KETOSIS?
- The ratio of BLOOD SUGAR to KETONES that kills cancer cells.
- What are the health benefits of RESISTANT STARCH, and should we eat it?
- Does managing migraines get easier the long you’re OFF MEDICATIONS?
- What are the BENEFITS of dietary COLLAGEN?
- What’s the best way to add COLLAGEN to the diet?
- Is the GLUTAMINE in collagen a possible migraine TRIGGER?
- Strategies for reducing the risk of MIGRAINES AFTER EXERCISE
- Why are MIGRAINES usually only on one side?
- The many sources of MIGRAINE PAIN.
- What do “WHITE SPOTS” on a brain MRI mean?
- A worrisome connection between GLUTEN, LEAKY GUTS, and MIGRAINES.
- How to restore the GUT BARRIER.
- Strategies for preventing MENSTRUAL MIGRAINES, including:
- How to decide what ABORTIVE medication to take
- Essential tips and strategies for breaking out of Phase 1
- The 3 Pillars of Migraine Freedom
- Barriers to progress you may not be aware of
- The surprising impact of mindset on migraine
- Dr. T’s “Red Flags” that predict a poor response to the plan
- Should you avoid BANANAS in phase 1?
- Should you worry about the effects of COCONUT OIL on cholesterol?
- The most important numbers on CHOLESTEROL TESTING
- The root cause of HEART DISEASE
- Is HIGHER CHOLESTEROL better for women?
- The important difference between pathological and physiological INSULIN RESISTANCE
- How to reduce the BLOOD SUGAR impact from a higher carb meal
- Is “cycling” in and out of KETOSIS a good idea?
- How to minimize the migraine-inducing adrenaline response to STRESS.
- Strategies for preventing EXERCISE-INDUCED MIGRAINES.
- How much medication does it take to cause REBOUND HEADACHES.
- The single biggest factor in causing RECURRING migraines
- How long does it take for the body to get rid of TRIPTANS?
- How to prevent SLEEP from worsening a migraine
- Migraines effects on the BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER.
- Why GUT HEALTH is extra important for the migraineur
- How to use MELATONIN for migraine prevention.
- Is CBD Oil effective against migraines?
- How to maximize the effectiveness of EXERCISE as a migraine relief strategy.
- Migraine-friendly ways to manage and prevent the COMMON COLD
- Is MCT oil better than COCONUT oil?
- How to increase BODY FAT LOSS on the Migraine Miracle plan.
- Using SALTED WATER as a migraine REMEDY
- How much SALT is too much?
- How much PROTEIN is too much?
- Are PROBIOTICS good for migraine prevention?
- What PROBIOTIC STRAINS should you choose?
- How to minimize the impact of DAIRY as a trigger
- How to determine if you’re DAIRY SENSITIVE/ALLERGIC
- Essentials of maintaining a healthy gut MICROBIOME
- When will I know that I’m out of REBOUND?
- Should you get tested for FOOD ALLERGIES?
- The best available FOOD ALLERGY TESTS
- Do you need to get NITRATE-FREE bacon?
- Is CAFFEINE ok to use as an ABORTIVE treatment?
- How to deal with LOW ENERGY and DIZZINESS when going low carb.
- The best way to reduce the role of STRESS as a trigger
- The hidden ways MEDICATIONS lead to more migraines
- Should you try the CEPHALY device?
- Apps for STRESS reduction
- The ancestral view of SALT intake
- In what situations should you eat MORE SALT, and what type?
- Is too much SALT bad for you?
- Is too little SALT bad for you?
- What does a high ANION GAP on a blood test mean?
- How to use LAB TESTING for making health decisions
- What NUTRIENTS might you be MISSING in your diet?
- What NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS should you consider taking?
- What to do if SUNLIGHT is a migraine TRIGGER.
- The best strategies for BLOCKING BLUE LIGHT.
- Should I eat the EGG YOLKS or the EGG WHITES?
- Do I need cholesterol lowering medication?
- The effects of the MIGRAINE MIRACLE plan on CHOLESTEROL
- What really causes STROKE and HEART DISEASE
- Why are MENSTRUAL MIGRAINES so common?
- Why HUNTER GATHERER women didn’t get HORMONAL migraines.
- Is it important to keep the CARBS PER MEAL under a certain amount?
- Why understanding the GLYCEMIC INDEX of food is useful.
- Does eating more fat and cholesterol help with BALANCING HORMONES?
- The effects of SATURATED FAT on “good” and “bad” CHOLESTEROL.
- How to decide how much PROTEIN to EAT.
- What your doctor doesn’t understand about the KETOGENIC DIET?
- How much SALT should you have each day?
- Are there special dietary recommendations for those trying to become PREGNANT?
- The worst time of day to CHEAT
- How long does it take a FOOD TRIGGER to bring on a migraine?
- Does the Migraine Miracle plan work for ALL FORMS of MIGRAINE (vestibular, optic, acephalic, etc.)?
- The [nearly limitless] FACES of MIGRAINE.
- The surprising effect of KETONES on the MIGRAINE brain.
- The earliest migraine WARNING SIGNS.
- How to INTERVENE in the PRODROME phase
- How to know how much PROTEIN to eat?
- How to calculate protein, fat, and carbohydrates needed for KETOSIS
- I’ve been told that KETOSIS is the equivalent of STARVATION mode?
- Do Dr. and Mrs. T still get migraines? If so, what are the TRIGGERS?
- How Dr. T ensures he’s never again visited by the REBOUND HEADACHE OF DEATH!
- The role of SLEEP in migraines
- How to deal with an IRREGULAR sleep and work SCHEDULE
- The right way to NAP.
- Is there a link between VITAMIN B12 and migraine.
- What causes B12 DEFICIENCY?
- plus: How Dr. T lost a camping tent
- What’s the role of the gut MICROBIOME in MIGRAINE?
- How to promote a HEALTHY MICROBIOME.
- Are there specific PROBIOTICS the migraineur should take?
- What’s the OPTIMAL amount of FAT to eat?
- Should we try to eliminate OMEGA 6 and OMEGA 3 fats entirely?
- When should you take a FISH OIL supplement?
- How do you tell if a headache is still a MIGRAINE?
- Is there actually such a thing as a TENSION HEADACHE?
- The relationship between INFLAMMATION and REBOUND HEADACHES
- What medications can cause REBOUND headaches BESIDES TRIPTANS?
- The headache relief medications EVERYONE SHOULD AVOID
- How do you get the brain back to its PRE-MIGRAINE state, and how do you know once it’s there?
- What are the most important factors in getting the brain back to its pre-migraine state?
- Topical vs. oral ANTIBIOTICS and their effects on GUT HEALTH
- How does MCT and COCONUT OIL affect CHOLESTEROL levels and cardiovascular risk
- How will I know when I’ve successfully BROKEN REBOUND?
- Should you worry about the TRANS FAT in DAIRY?
- The benefits of GRASS FED over grain fed meat.
- The best way to avoid EXCESS OMEGA 6 fat in the diet.
- How to minimize the BLOOD SUGAR response to CARBOHYDRATES.
- What is RESISTANT STARCH, what are its BENEFITS, and how can you get more of it?
- How to minimize fatigue during the transition into KETOSIS
- Is it okay to cycle in and out of KETOSIS
- Is COFFEE healthful or harmful?
- Should migraineurs drink CAFFEINE?
- Is FISH OIL helpful for migraineurs?
- Vitamin B2 and Magnesium for migraine prevention.
- The migraine and HISTAMINE connection
- Should you avoid high histamine foods?
- The impact of an ancestral diet on breast cancer risk.
- The effects of dietary fat on breast cancer risk.
- The effects of carbohydrates on cancer growth.
- How to minimize the impact of a high carb meal
- How to maximize the athletic/exercise benefits of an ancestral diet
- How to maintain energy during the switch to a low carb or ketogenic diet
- Is it ok to eat carbs after a workout?
- The best uses of MCT OIL for migraine relief and prevention
- How to be successful with the Migraine Miracle plan as a VEGETARIAN
- Can the brain recover from years of taking NORTRIPTYLINE?
- Potential WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS from discontinuation of Nortritptyline
- How to raise SEROTONIN and NOREPINPEHRINE (neurotransmitters) levels naturally
- Should you be concerned about MYCOTOXINS in coffee (and just what the heck are “mycotoxins”?!)?
- How to use SOLUBLE FIBER to keep your blood sugar down after eating.
- Can eating RESISTANT STARCH help you sleep better?
- The link between the MICROBIOME and MENTAL HEALTH.
- Deciding WHEN TO EAT after a fast using the “starve and sink” approach to migraine relief
- Deciding WHAT TO EAT after a fast using the “starve and sink” approach to migraine relief
- Does COFFEE (including “Bulletproof” coffee) in the morning break a fast?
- Why FASTING and KETOSIS are potential weapons for cancer treatment and prevention
- Strategies for eliminating HORMONAL headaches
- The recommended regimen of hormone supplementation for MENSTRUAL MIGRAINE prevention
- The complex role of HORMONES in migraines
- How to interpret your CHOLESTEROL NUMBERS, and the red flags to look for
- The carb and nutrient content of POTATO SKINS
- The best and safest forms of DAIRY for migraineurs
- What to do if you are LACTOSE INTOLERANT or have dairy allergies
- How to adjust fat and protein in the diet to PROMOTE KETOSIS
- Do you have to go fully KETOGENIC to achieve success?
- Conquering HEARTBURN and ASTHMA with the Migraine Miracle plan
- 4 ways to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of EXERCISE
- How to interpret KETOSTIX results
- COLLAGEN SUPPLEMENTS and their effects on ketosis
- How to measure PROGRESS on the Timeline to Migraine Freedom
- The role of KETONES from COCONUT and MCT OIL
- Is there a link between INSOMNIA and the KETO DIET?
- Could BOSWELIA be a good alternative to NSAIDS for STRAINS, SPRAINS, ARTHRITIS, etc.?
- Does putting COLLAGEN in hot liquids neutralize its BENEFITS?
- Is there a connection between migraines and BODY ACHES?
- What’s the recovery process for clearing a CGRP blocker like AIMOVIG?
- Dealing with FRIENDS and FAMILY who hold fast to outdated nutrition advice
- STRATEGIES for EXPLAINING to friends and family why implementing the Migraine Miracle plan is best for you
- Could COLD WATER THERAPY be beneficial either as a preventative or as an abortive?
- How can I naturally lower BLOOD PRESSURE?
- Are CARBS from starches or gluten-free grains worse than carbs from a fruit or vegetable?
- How long does GUT VULNERABILITY last after a migraine?
- How to decide whether to continue MORNING COFFEE
- Do you treat all migraines with the same approach regardless of how they became CHRONIC?
- Understanding THYROID testing and results.
- Why does SALTED WATER help diminish a migraine? Should I be drinking more salted water on a regular basis?
- How much DESICCATED LIVER should we take to equal a serving of beef liver?
- Is it a myth that taking POTASSIUM can help with muscle cramps when transitioning to keto?
- What are ideas for WARM BEVERAGES to replace morning COFFEE?
- Does Dr. T recommend DECAF COFFEE?
- Is there a connection between SIBO or MOLD exposure and migraine?
- Would seeing a NEUROLOGIST help support me in implementing the Migraine Miracle plan?
- What are some tips for dealing with a headache that arises before BEDTIME?
- What are some CAUSES and STRATEGIES for dealing with headaches that escalate over NIGHT?
- Is there any benefit from COLD WATER THERAPY?
- Are there any modifications to the Migraine Miracle Plan that need to be made for people with HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE?
- Do you treat post trauma headaches the same as a typical migraine?
- Are CHICKPEAS, NUTS, SEEDS, and OATS okay on the MM Program?
- Is it possible that the less SUGAR a person consumes, the more SENSITIVE they are to it?
- Could the ANTIBIOTIC Tetralysal cause REBOUND?
- How can we address SEASONAL ALLERGIES without risking REBOUND?
- How to treat ANXIETY disorders using an ancestral approach?
- Should I avoid foods that are not on the MIGRAINE SUPER FOODS LIST?
- What should be eaten to promote MUSCLE RECOVERY after EXERCISE?
- Are PEANUT BUTTER or ALMOND BUTTER okay to consume?
- Do CGRP drugs like EMGALITY have REBOUND risk?
- Are SMOKED FOODS okay to eat?
- Are VAGUS NERVE STIMULATORS less risky than pharmaceuticals?
- Is it common for OCCIPITAL NEURALGIA to be misdiagnosed as MIGRAINE?
- Any thoughts on new CGRP MEDICATIONS like Aimovig?
- Should I lower carbs all at once or taper them?
- What factors determine someone’s appropriate CARB THRESHOLD?
- Any thoughts on 5HTP as a SUPPLEMENT for migraine prevention?
- What dosage of VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENT is recommended for non-sunny parts of the year?
- Could IMPACTED WISDOM TEETH be connected to migraines?
- Strategies for HEAT & EXERCISE INDUCED migraines?
- Could I be in REBOUND?
- Considerations for EXTENDED FASTS?
- Is there anything safe to take for MOTION SICKNESS?
- Any recommendations or guidance for the use of MEDICAL MARIJUANA?
- Should we be concerned about environmental exposure to ALUMINUM?
- Strategies for dealing with ENDOMETRIOSIS
- WHAT CHOLESTEROL level would you consider TOO HIGH and how would you address that?
- Is there a known connection between AIRBORNE MOLD and migraines?
- What would the future migraine risk score be for the GEPANT CLASS of CGRP meds?
- Recommendations for poor SLEEP during a migraine?
- Thoughts on using continuous BIRTH CONTROL?
- Can you BUILD MUSCLE while on the Migraine Miracle Program?
- Recommendations for Go-To Dishes for RESTAURANT dining?
- What are the indications or SYMPTOMS of REBOUND?
- Following a LOW FODMAP diet to treat IBS while on the Migraine Miracle Program
- Strategies for EATING OUT with friends while adhering to the 4 HOUR RULE?
- Would BEEF TONGUE and CHICKEN LIVER be nutrient-dense ORGAN MEATS to use?
- When should one take VITAMIN B2 as an added layer of protection?
- Would you recommend STARVE & SINK for mild headaches or just crisis headaches?
- How can I minimize TRANSITION symptoms when changing my diet?
- What PARTS OF A COW should I buy?
- If I’ve had FOOD INTOLERANCE TESTING should I avoid those that I have intolerances to?
- Should COFFEE BEANS be ground at the time of use to prevent problematic oxidation?
- Tips for preventing headaches caused by READING
- How to address HUNGER near BEDTIME and follow the 4 HOUR RULE
- Will TOPICAL PAIN RELIEF cause REBOUND headaches?
- How to wean off of SLEEPING PILLS
- Which OILS have the least OMEGA 6?
- How to COUNT MIGRAINE DAYS when determining which PHASE you are in?
- Can the Migraine Miracle Program help with MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS?
- Understanding how to use the MIGRAINE SUPERFOODS list
- Understanding why SWEET POTATOES are better to consume than other potatoes
- At what point should one wean off of PREVENTATIVES and what SIDE EFFECTS to expect?
- What’s Dr. T’s opinion of VEGETARIAN and VEGAN KETO diets for the migraineur?
- Would DRY SKIN be a common side effect of a keto diet?
- What is the REBOUND POTENTIAL of the new drug RIMEGEPANT/NURTEC?
- Strategies for dealing with NAUSEA from drinking COFFEE/TEA on an empty stomach while INTERMITTENT FASTING
- Suggestions/Strategies for when you suspect HIGH FAT is causing GASTRITIS
- How to use and view the STARVE & SINK strategy
- Is the STARVE & SINK strategy okay to use when fighting a COLD?
- Can the MM Program reduce TENSION HEADACHES?
- Is normal for migraineurs to get headaches with COLDS?
- Would it be normal to feel TIRED when first eating after an INTERMITTENT FAST?
- Thoughts on Ashwagandha as a SUPPLEMENT?
- Can ROASTING VEGETABLES turn them into a migraine trigger?
- Managing MENSTRUAL CRAMPS while avoiding MEDS
- Ideal Diet to promote GUT HEALTH
- If I use CANNABIS to manage CROHN’S DISEASE SYMPTOMS will it interfere with my MED DETOX?
- How much SALT & POTASSIUM are too much?
- Can XANAX cause REBOUND?
- Is it normal to experience HEART RATE increase with keto?
- Can SMOKED FOODS be linked to Migraine?
- Do ATHLETIC people have to exercise “harder” in the STARVE & SINK?
- Can I eat NUTS?
- Should we avoid Liverwurst with SODIUM NITRATES?
- What TYPE and DOSAGE of MAGNESIUM does Dr. T recommend?
- How to think about PROGRESS on the Migraine Miracle Program
- Thoughts on ALOE VERA as a SUPPLEMENT
- Changes in the way migraines present over time
- Pillow recommendations
- Should I be worried about KIDNEY STONES with SPARKLING MINERAL WATER?
- Thoughts on the APOLLO DEVICE to promote wellness?
- Is it okay to drink SALTED WATER for MORNING HEADACHES over the long term?
- Thoughts on CoQ10 SUPPLEMENTATION?
- Should we avoid KIDNEY/LIVER and are they really FILTERING ORGANS?
- Could SPINE CURVATURE be related to migraines?
- Are there any SEASONING SEEDS that should be avoided?
- Can migraines become a PATTERN?
- Does allowing a migraine to occur without meds cause brain SCARING?
- How to transition to a lower carb diet and minimize TRANSITION SYMPTOMS until fat adapted
- Is it possible to go KETO while VEGETARIAN?
- Are there any good KETO FAST FOOD options at Health Food Stores?
- Are our tastes and preferences TRUSTWORTHY for what’s healthy?
- In what situations would you recommend MCT OIL and in what quantity?
- Recommendations for reducing CHOCOLATE and CARB CRAVINGS?
- Thoughts on using DIM supplementation to reduce ESTROGEN and MENSTRUAL MIGRAINES?
- Advice for dealing with KETO RASH
- Strategies for dealing with HOT FLASHES that DISRUPT SLEEP
- Can different types of COFFEE produce different reactions at different TIMES OF DAY?
- Should we skip MCT OIL if we feel close to our headache THRESHOLD?
- Would MCAS/POTS be diseases of civilization like HISTAMINE INTOLERANCE?
- Understanding increases in BLOOD PRESSURE
- Can PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE trigger migraines?
- Addressing Common KETO QUESTIONS AND MYTHS including the topics of hair loss, possible down-regulation of THYROID, effects on BONE DENSITY, and TRANSITION SYMPTOMS
- Any truth to possible misdiagnoses between TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA and MIGRAINES?
- Can ANTI-NAUSEA MEDS like Zofran cause REBOUND?
- After being keto for a while can I go back to EATING SWEETS?
- How to manage STARVE & SINK when you have SUPPLEMENTS that need to be taken with food
- Ideas to combat KETO BREATH
- Strategies to combat NAUSEA
- Is It okay to cook with grapeseed oil?
- What teas are okay to drink?
- Is there an established link between Eagle Syndrome and migraine?
- How does collagen supplementation work and what are the benefits?
- Can I Intermittent fast Indefinitely?
- How to cycle In and out of ketosis
- Resources for breaking rebound
- Do coffee or broth/stock break a fast?