Monday Migraine Miracle Minute — July 3, 2017

Welcome to the Monday Migraine Miracle Minute, where we’ll catch you up on the happenings of the past week!

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Primal Provisions Recipe Pick of the Week

Mustard Chicken


[RELATED: Looking for the simplest, easiest, and least time consuming way to get started with the Migraine Miracle plan without any guesswork? Click here to check out Primal Provisions, our weekly meal planning service.]

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Facebook Group Discussion

One of our Facebook group members, Erin R.  posted this question:

Any tips for upping my fat intake without dairy? Love my double-cream and other dairy products but its a trigger for me at the moment. I am using coconut oil to cook.

Responses included: 

*Use bacon grease to cook veggies in
*Avocado and coconut milk (in limited quantities due to carbs)
*Homemade Mayonnaise
*Fatty Meats
*Avocado oil, olive oil, sesame oil (NOT cooked)

And many of our other Facebook group members chimed in to share their experiences. Check it out!

Don’t miss any more of the discussion! Join our Facebook group here
(Just note that we only approve requests from folks that have answered all three questions.)

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Beast Slayer of the Week

We’d also love to share a great story by someone who has made the commitment to find the path to Migraine Freedom! This great news was posted by Tonya B. Kudos and keep up the great work, Tonya!

“4 days no migraine and only 2 hints of a headache that went away by itself by drinking water. I am realizing that I have to keep my carbs very low.”

Click here to share your successes with us and inspire others!  

[RELATED: Read stories from folks just like you who have found their paths to migraine freedom by following the Migraine Miracle Plan. Click here to read those stories.]

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An excerpt from The Chatter:

Q: Can I ask about the exercise as an abortive strategy please? You say to do approx 20-30 mins aerobic exercise but the effect may not be felt for some hours or even a day. What do you do then over those hours or day – keep exercising or exercise every now and then? I don’t quite understand the process from exercise to relief.

A. from Dr. T:

Regarding exercise as an abortive strategy – specifically what to do if the relief is delayed…

What I’ve generally done is dictated by how much relief I get from an exercise session, which typically is very closely related to the intensity of the pain.

So, for high intensity headaches (ones which usually started pre-bedtime or early in the night), I’ll typically do most sessions over the course of the day, But, if possible, i.e. if I have the time, I’ll extend that first session much longer.

And I may do it in starts and stops, so not necessarily exercising continuously for that entire time. The longest I’ve done is perhaps an hour and a half. And without a doubt, the longer I can go, the faster I get to relief.

I also feel better, many times much better, when exercising, so there’s an incentive to keep going (any pain from the exercise is far surpassed by the head pain).

The progression is very predictable. When it starts changing locations, it’s always been a sign that it’s on the way out.

To me, one of the greatest things about the “starve and sink” strategy is I know the pain won’t escalate.

But what I’ve found is that around 30 minutes is the minimum amount necessary to have a significant impact.

[RELATED: You can get The Chatter, the complete transcripts of our weekly migraine group coaching sessions, delivered to your inbox every week. Click here to learn more about becoming a subscriber.]

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Essential Listening

Our CAN’T MISS podcast this week:

Dr. T featured on the Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast